This file allows server owners to control the items, stock, and manage the dynamic prices of the items in your servers economy.
Boolean variable that automatically calculates the coefficient based on the stock.
Boolean variable that enables the de-stock feature once the stock is reached per product. (De-stock will not happen until server restart)
Integer variable that allows each trader to re-stock during a server restart.
How can I make the trader restock all the products after each restart ?
You have 3 options:
You want to know more about the de-stock variable? Here is an example:
In one of your traders, you noticed that the stock of LAR/FAL Mag is full like below:
It means the player can’t sell any more FAL mag unless someone buys some to free some space in the stock. This is why the de-stock feature is so important for a well-balanced and free-flowing server economy.