
Insurance allow you to get reimbursed when an insured car is destroyed during gameplay.

Here are some specifications regarding the license system:

{ "Version": "2.5",
  "AuthorizedIDInsurance": [4],
  "Insurances": [
    { "VehicleName": "OffroadHatchback",
      "InsurancePriceCoefficient": 1.25,
      "CollateralMoneyCoefficient": 0.75
    { "VehicleName": "Hatchback_02",
      "InsurancePriceCoefficient": 1.25,
      "CollateralMoneyCoefficient": 0.75
    { "VehicleName": "CivilianSedan",
      "InsurancePriceCoefficient": 1.25,
      "CollateralMoneyCoefficient": 0.75

File explanations:

Inside the TraderPlusInsuranceConfig.json, you should find the following variables:


Notated version of the config that is updated by Dmitri when necessary. Please do not adjust.


Integer array that defines which TraderID has the right to give the insurance reimbursement if the car is destroyed.


Integer array where you will be able to set up insurance cost for each car classname.

"VehicleName": "CivilianSedan", // classname of the vehicle to be insured. "InsurancePriceCoefficient": 1.25, // coefficient calculation for the price of insurance. "CollateralMoneyCoefficient": 0.75 // coefficient calculation of reimbursement to player if vehicle is destroyed.