
The garage system is pretty like what you may have seen already in the modding community. It allows users to store vehicles into an external database to “protect” the vehicle from the server environment such as raiding, server database wipe, DayZ bugs and mainly to improve server performances. And then, when the user wants it, to get back the car in a parking location near the garage npc. This garage system is for now compatible with TraderPlus CarLock, Trader keys and MuchCarKey.

Now that we know how the garage system works, let’s talk about how to set it up.In your TraderPlusConfig folder, you should find a new config folder called:-TraderPlusGarageConfig.json

Files explanations:

"UseGarageOnlyToTrade": (default is 0)

This Boolean specifies if the Garage can be used to Store Vehicles or only to be used to Sell Vehicles 1 = Vehicles only stay in the Garage for as long as is specified within the ‘SavedVehicleInGarageForTradeInHour' setting 0 = The setting in ‘SavedVehicleInGarageForTradeInHour’ is ignored and Vehicles will stay in the Garage until sold or retrieved

"SavedVehicleInGarageForTradeInHour": (default is 1)

This value specifies, in hours, how long the Vehicles will stay in the Garage if the setting ‘UseGarageOnlyToTrade’ is set to 1


That Boolean allow you to define if you want to be able to store vehicle without the need of locking the vehicle by any mods compatible with this system (TP, Trader, MCK)


That Boolean allows you to define if you want to be able to store items that are in the vehicle cargo. Keep in mind that vehicle cargo is saved in the json database.

<aside> 📖 Please refer to the Garage - FAQ for more details on this.



That Boolean allows you to define if you want to be able to save the vehicle health’s state.
