
TraderPlus banking database is stored in your Server\profiles\TraderPlus\TraderPlusBankDatabase\folder. This is where you can view stored information for players on your server.

  "Version": "2.3",
  "BankingLogs": 1,
  "IsCreditCarNeededForTransaction": 1,
  "TransactionFees": 0.023,
  "DefaultStartCurrency": 500,
  "DefaultMaxCurrency": 100000,
  "CurrenciesAccepted": [],
  "TheAmountHasBeenTransferedToTheAccount": "The Amount has been successfully send to the account of destination !"


As with other bank systems, you’re able to get access to each player’s bank account file. These files are saved inside TraderPlus\TraderPlusBankDatabase\.

Each file starts by Account_ followed by the SteamID64 of the player.

    "Version": "2.3",
    "SteamID64": "76561198002429591",
    "Name": "Biffdit",
    "MoneyAmount": 0,
    "MaxAmount": 100000,
    "Licences": [
        "Military ID Card",
        "Hunter ID Card",
        "Building Permit ID"
    "Insurances": {}


Notated version of the config that is updated by Dmitri when necessary.


SteamID of the player.


In-game name of the player


Amount of money stored.
