
This part is dedicated to the installation of TraderPlus.

<aside> ⚠️ TraderPlus configuration files are set up for Chernarus by default. You’ll need to manually adjust TraderPlusGeneralConfig.json settings to customize them for other maps.


Before continuing, be sure you are subscribed to the mod in the steam workshop and have opened the mod folder to get access to these folders.


The default folders typically will be found in the following location:


The contents of this folder will need to be copied to either of these locations using the steps outlined in the following section.

DayZ Server/profiles/ DayZ Server/mpmissions/empty.chernarus/

Manual Installation Instructions:

Step 1: We copy the mod folder ‘@TraderPlus’ to your DayZ Server Root folder.

Step 2: We go inside DayZServer/@TraderPlus/Keys/ and we copy C4BaseRaidbyDmitiri.bikey & paste it into your DayZServer/keys/ folder in your DayZ Server Root.

Step 3: We copy the TraderPlus_ce folder, which is inside the DayZServer/@TraderPlus/Centralconomy/ folder, to our main mission folder. ( /mpmissions/empty.chernarus/ )